Exporting Routes


Exporting routes, an entry for SMES.

Mexico is a commercial country, we have more than 13 treaties with 50 countries. This is a favorable situation in the international market and opens a lot of opportunities for business and enterprises that want to take their products around the world.

However, even though this is a great opportunity the SMES (Small and medium-sized enterprises) do not usually take advantages of these foreign trades links that we have as a country, this might happen because the owners of the small and medium enterprises do not have the necessary knowledge to join the exportation field and we understand because we´re all not experts on international business.

Luckily for the enterprises, the Ministry of Economy decided to update the information of a document from 2015 that is called Basic Guide to Export, just like the title says, it is a guide that helps inexperienced entrepreneurs on the exportation topic and also mentions a new route to export.

The key to the exportation world…

The updated guide of the Ministry of Economy, now called “Exporting Routes” it is a very helpful introduction is you, as a small or medium-sized enterprise business owner, are interested in exporting your products. On the document you can find information such as:

  • Basic export concepts.
  • Concise and general descriptions of the export process.
  • Overview of how exporting works in the country.

The truth is that this document does not want you to become an expert of international trade, however, it does seek to provide you with enough knowledge to encourage you to enter into the export of products, all for the sake of expanding your business and its benefits. We recommend you that if you want to learn more about it, do it with specialized courses.

This is an effort of the Ministry of Economy to encourage SMES to expand their reach and take advantage of all the international trade facilities that Mexico has.

Don´t let this opportunity to slip out of your hands and learn about exporting, discover how far you can go!

Contact us for more information and quote with us the transfer of your goods.

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