General foreign trade rules

Know the General Foreign Trade Rules (RGCE) established by the customs authorities and the federal government, tell us what, how, when, where and with whom all the procedures, processes, formalities and requirements for Transportation of goods between countries in the best way

The RGCE are presented in a resolution which discloses, groups and facilitates knowledge of general foreign trade rules by an annual publication issued by the customs and tax authorities in foreign trade.

*The Internet portal of Tax Administration Service (SAT) is disclosed in advance the RGCE in publishing the DOF-rules and annexes are part of the resolution.

General foreign trade rules

  • Official IDs and documents proving domicile

Official documents for persons:

  1. INE voting card.
  2. Passport.
  3. Professional license.
  4. Driver\’s license or driving license for minors.
  5. SEP credential issued by the official or accredited institution for minors.
  6. Credential the National Institute of Older Persons for people who need it.
  7. Migration document as appropriate, issued by competent authority for foreigners.

Official documents for establishments:

  1. Account statement issued with the name of the Bank.
  2. Last receipt of property tax.
  3. Last receipt of any of the services like electricity, water, internet, telephone, gas, pay TV.
  4. Last settlement on behalf of the taxpayer IMSS.
  5. Contracts: leasing, trusts, bank account opening services, electricity, telephone or water.
  6. Letter residence on behalf of the taxpayer.
  7. INE voting card.
  • Consultation tariff classification

The tariff classification is a coded description of any product, in international numeric codes with the goods, products, parts or complete production systems can be identify regardless of language, country, or region.

If you have a doubt that the goods could be classified in more than one tariff, or when ignore completely the tariff in which the goods are located, you can query for tariff classification in the SAT, to know correct the fraction applicable to your import or export goods.

Failure to perform the query may have an inaccurate result in the tax return, and would be breached in the presentation of permits, regulations, labeling, among others.

Royal-Courier Trades SA de CV, service international import and export

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