What is a data sheet and what is it used for?

Comercio exterior

Before we start a process of importing and exporting, it is necessary to meet all the requirements, one of them it’s a data sheet. You might have heard it at least onece, however, in foreign trade there are some particularities that you must know. Throughout this entry, we will define what a data sheet is and its importance in imports and exports.

What is a data sheet?

A datasheet is a document, printed or electronic that provides details about a product, like a computer, computer component, or software program. The datasheet includes information that helps in making a buying decision about a product by providing technical specifications about the product.

At the commercial level, it is the tool used by the importer or exporter to inform, in a standardized and simple way, the technical characteristics of their product. At the logistics level, it provides relevant information to service providers for transportation.

Functions of the data sheet
  • Analyze the sustainability, feasibility and costs of the product.
  • Contribute to the creation of an efficient action plan with minimal risks.
  • Make it easier for customers to find products.
  • Generate trust between the exporting and importing companies.
  • To measure the profitability of the production, import and/or export, and distribution of the merchandise.
  • Allow customers to compare this and other products.
  • Serve as a quality standard for customers.

Components of the data sheet

Its objective is to identify the product as completely, but simply, as possible for all parties involved. The information should not be redundant or contain unnecessary elements. In addition, it should be elaborated according to the target market, or the market to which it is intended to attract.

For a data sheet to successfully fulfill its purpose, it must include:
  • Merchandise information data: Detailed information about the product that we are going to export or import
  • Technical information: It´s the physical information of the product, contains its composition, chemical and physical characters.
  • Commercial information: Describes the product varieties, their uses and applications, and packaging details.
  • Tariff information: Specifies whether the import or export of the product is part of a trade agreement between countries.
  • Non-tariff technical requirements of the country of destination: Specifies the entity that regulates the commercialization of the product, as well as the restrictions imposed by the same.
  • Marketing data: It is the information regarding the commercialization of the merchandise.

It is important to remember that the technical data sheet is a document that is constantly being updated. That is, it will not always be the same. Its content will change as new information becomes available.

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