What is foreign trade?

We invite you to know what foreign trade is.

Foreign trade refers to the exchange of services or products within countries, its purpose is that the countries involved can meet their external and internal market needs. Those countries or regions that participate in foreign trade have what is called an open economy.

How does it work?

Foreign trade is regulated by international treaties, agreements, rules and conventions to make the exchange process much easier.

This economic activity can be carried out within a country and involve individuals and companies within the same territory or geographic space, or on the contrary, it can be carried out outside the limits of a nation, which is formally known as foreign trade.

How can I get more information about foreign trade in Mexico?

In our country there are institutions at the federal and state level that can advise you on foreign trade. The first institution with which you can consult your doubts is the Promexico office closest to your city. The states also offer offices specialized in foreign trade.

For access to credit, there is the Banco Nacional de Comercio Exterior (Bancomext), which, through various programs and solutions, allows exporters access to working capital.

Finally, the Ministry of Economy supports Mexican companies, as well as investments from foreign companies. There are also other secretariats that can help you, depending on the product you require.

We invite you to listen to our podcast on Foreign Trade made by our dear Reyna Lerma, specialist in the subject.

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