
Toda la información sobre exportaciones e importaciones la podrás encontrar en este espacio.

Somos una empresa comprometida con nuestros clientes y por ello buscamos mantenerlos informados con temas relacionados al comercio exterior.
Law on General Import and Export Taxes

Law on General Import and Export Taxes

General Import and Export Taxes Act is mostly known by its acronym LIGIE in it all the regulations of foreign trade of the country is covered. […]
Comercio exterior México

Do you know foreign trade in Mexico?

Mexico's foreign trade is an engine for growth of the Mexican economy; this began in the 80s, and now comes to represent about 65% of the […]

General foreign trade rules

Know the General Foreign Trade Rules (RGCE) established by the customs authorities and the federal government, tell us what, how, when, where and with whom all […]

What is the Importers’ Padron in Mexico?

The Importers’ Padron in Mexico is the National Register of importers in the country, apply to individuals and legal entities intending to import goods into the […]
Empresa de omercio internacional

How to choose the means of transporting goods?

Foreign trade is the purchase or sale of goods in different countries; one of the countries involved in this activity is Mexico. > We recommend you […]

Essential characteristics of foreign trade

  Learn more about characteristics of foreign trade. Foreign trade, also known as international trade, encourages competition for a good or service abroad, so that different […]
Types of tariffs in Mexico

Types of tariffs in Mexico

Today we are talking about types of tariffs. When certain product arrives in Mexican territory, it must go through customs and pay import taxes, also know […]

How to choose a foreign trade company?

Choosing the right company for the transportation of your goods is a fundamental factor to have a better commercial strategy. Before shipping your goods, you must […]

Previous Permits for Importation and Exportation

The Secretary of the Economy regulates imports and exports of goods. A Previous permission required for import and export is the license or authorization to legally […]

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